- Graduate Assistant Spotlight - University at Buffalo, SUNY, Department of Economics, Student News
- In Student News - University at Buffalo, SUNY, Department of Economics
- Ph.D. Alumni - University at Buffalo, SUNY, Department of Economics
- Choir Concert, Spring 2023 - University at Buffalo, SUNY, Department of Music
- Choir Concert, Fall 2022 - University at Buffalo, SUNY, Department of Music
- Choir Concert, Spring 2022 - University at Buffalo, SUNY, Department of Music
Here are some useful links:
Economics Content
- Resources for Students - Career opportunities and other go to resources
- Core Econ - Free Economics textbooks organized by big problems (includes a textbook on using Excel to understand Economics)
- IPUMS - Probably the most comprehensive microlevel database
- NBER Public Use Data Archive - Eclectic mix of public use data
- BREAD - A useful data source for researchers in development economics
- MOSPI - The go to source for Indian data
- ECON Graphs - Interactive visualizations of key concepts in Economics
Teaching Economics
- Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics
- Diversifying Economics- Resources on how to create an inclusive classroom
- Thinking Like an Economist - You’ll see the world more clearly, empowering you to make better decisions at work, at home, and in your community
Interesting Blogs
- AEA Research Highlights
Econ Talk - Interesting economics podcasts - Chhota Pegs, Debraj Ray - On anything that can be read with a good single malt
- Cheap Talks, Jeff Ely and Sandeep Baliga - A blog about economics and politics
- NYT Columns, Paul Krugman - Macroeconomics, trade, health care, social policy, politics and more
- Dani Rodrik’s weblog - Unconventional thoughts on economic development and globalization